Birth Certificate

The birth certificate, which confirms the details of one's birth, is the most crucial identity document. A birth certificate is necessary to receive a number of benefits that the Indian government provides to its citizens.

Easy Process and Documentation

Required Paperwork

  • Identity Proof of Parents.
  • Identity Proof of Beneficiary
  • Present and Permanent Address Proof of Beneficiary & Parents
  • Date of Birth Proof of Beneficiary
  • Place of Birth Proof & Hospital birth proof
  • One Passport size photos of Child and Parents
  • Combined Proof of Parent’s before the birth of Child and 5 Witness

Process, Cost and Timeframe

  • When you send us your paperwork, our experienced staff will review your paperwork with local government officials to determine the service’s cost, feasibility, and completion date. After a quote has been given, it remains fixed. Location affects project duration and cost. Send us your documents and specific requirements to get a price and turnaround estimate.
  • On an average Procurement takes Six to Eight weeks.
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India's Most Trusted Legal Documentation Portal

Estimated range of cost : Rs. 2500 to Rs. 5000

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birth Certificate – How to get a birth Certificate?

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Legaldocs Advisor offers consulting services for Birth Certificate Online, Name Addition in Birth Certificate, Correction In Birth Certificates, Duplicate Birth Certificate, Name Change in Birth Certificate, Name addition in Birth Certificate for both adults and minors.

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A birth certificate shows when and where a person was born. This document proves a person’s citizenship in the country where they were born or raised. Infancy A birth certificate is a person’s first official ID. It shows birthplace and age.

Birth certificates are required for jobs, insurance, banking and finance, driver’s licences, passports, and voter ID cards. Most services and facilities require proof of age.

If the birth is recorded, the certificate will be based on municipal records.

Names aren’t always given at time of birth. This complicates things because the parents’ names and applicants’ birth years must be used to check municipal records. Adding a name after birth registration is possible with the right paperwork. A valid birth certificate is required for a green card in the U.S. USCIS handles this. The USCIS requires an original birth certificate for the I-485 Application to Register Permanent Residence. For immigration to Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Canada, and other countries, use Form I-485. The government requires either the original birth certificate or a statement that none is available (NABC). It’s also important for visa procedures like Adjustment of Status, when the holder wants to change their visa status. NRIs need birth certificates for passports, visas, school, jobs, and driver’s licences. LegalDocs Advisor can help you get a birth certificate or NABC without visiting a local municipality.

Steps For Registration

Instructions on How to Register to Use the Services of LegalDocs Advisors
1. Have conversation with our staff about the requirements for your birth certificate.
2. In order to place your order, please email your required documents and share them online. 
You will receive response within predetermined amount of time after the documents have been examined and validated by qualified personnel on board.
3. Receive an estimate of the cost and timeline within two business days. 
Email updates will be sent to the address that was provided during registration.
4. Make your initial payment through protected payment gateway, such as PayPal or Razorpay, or by using debit or credit card issued in any country.
5. During the entirety of the order processing process, you will receive constant communication from the LegalDocs Advisors team.
6. Once the order has been processed successfully, masked copy of the certificate will be sent to the customer’s email address.
7. An increase in the cost of shipping for all international orders (domestic order shipments are free)
8. Upon completion of the LegalDocs Advisor’s service, all documents are immediately and irreversibly removed from the records.

Procedure to obtain birth certificate

Standard procedure for obtaining a birth certificate is to first examine the record. If there is a discrepancy in the birth dates, we may request NABC, depending on our location and the complexity of the case. The city office has the authority to request additional documentation and may do so.

Step 1: Order birth certificate for the desired location using LegalDocs Advisor’s Services.

Step 2: Please provide the necessary documentation in order to obtain a birth certificate.

  • Identity Proof of Parents.
  • Identity Proof of Beneficiary
  • Present and Permanent Address Proof of Beneficiary & Parents
  • Date of Birth Proof of Beneficiary
  • Place of Birth Proof & Hospital birth proof
  • One Passport size photos of Child and Parents
  • Combined Proof of Parent’s before the birth of Child and 5 Witness
  • SSC Marks sheet (Applicant)
  • Questionnaire for personal details

Note: Please provide us with any documents you have available, as the required documents can vary from city to city. This is a complete list of all of the documents that are utilised in all of the cities. There is a possibility that the government office will request further documentation.

Step 3: Please Provide the Following Additional Information for the Birth Certificate::

  • Hospital Name (If applicable):
  • Father’s Name:
  • Mother’s Name:                                                     
  • Date of Birth :
  • Birthplace: Home/Hospital                              
  • Child Name (Your Name):                         
  • Birth Time Address:

Step 4: These documents will be verified by the Service Provider, who will also provide the cost and an estimate.

Step 5: The customer will be informed of the information regarding cost and duration that Services Provider provides.

Step 6:

1. LegalDocs Advisor will send out payment requests if the customer accepts the estimate.

2. The payment is made by the customer to LegalDocs Advisor

3. LegalDocs Advisor will now move forward with the order.

and if the customer decides not to go with the price offered.

All of the documents that we had received from the client were discarded.

3. If there was an initial payment made, LegalDocs Advisor initiates the process of issuing a refund (automatically).

4. The customer will receive their refund within three to seven business days.

Step 7: We shall send in these papers to the appropriate municipal agency in the event that the client gives their approval to the estimate and pays the interim payment. We will fill out the application for your certificate, and we will keep you informed as we go. We shall proceed with the update as soon as the search for the birth records has been completed.

Step 8: The local government agency will issue a Non-availability of Birth certificate if the record cannot be located..

Step 9:  Documents are delivered after final payment. Domestic delivery is free but international isn’t.

Other Services we provide

  • Corrections to the birth certificate
  • Apostille of the NABC
  • Apostille for the Birth Certificate
  • Affidavit of Birth registration
  • Addition of Name(s) to Birth Certificate


You won’t have to go to the Health Department if you use our services to help you apply for a birth certificate. We’ll help you get your birth certificate or NABC as soon as possible by giving you all the information and paperwork you need. You can call us any time of day or night, 365 days a year, and we’ll help you through the different steps of the application process.

Please note that:

  • The client shall be accountable to provide all necessary credentials to us while we will help the customer in obtaining the birth certificate or NABC.
  • The timeline provided in the estimates is the approximate duration based on past experience. But there are instances where delays may happen due to natural calamities, government shutdowns, holidays, officers on vacation, etc. We try our best due to complete the order in the shortest possible duration.
  •  Additional documents may be required depending upon the customer’s birth location.

Information checklist to Obtain an Indian Birth Certificate

  • Identity Proof of Parents.
  • Identity Proof of Beneficiary
  • Present and Permanent Address Proof of Beneficiary & Parents
  • Date of Birth Proof of Beneficiary
  • Place of Birth Proof & Hospital birth proof
  • One Passport size photos of Child and Parents
  • Combined Proof of Parent’s before the birth of Child and 5 Witness
  • SSC Marks sheet (Applicant)
  • Questionnaire for personal details


Expert Consultants

Verified drafts & consulting from legal experts.

Door Step Service

No Visit to any govt office, if not mandatory

Flexible Payment

Flexible Payment modes and Methods.

Simple Process

You only need to follow Just 6 simple steps process


We take priority in serving you quickly


Documents privacy & security is the utmost concern.


Recommended by 1000s of clients we have served

Refund Policy

Advance fee will be refunded if not served, no questions asked

Costs of an Indian Birth Certificate

Following the submission of required papers, we will check with the concerning municipal body to see whether the requested service is feasible or not and how much it will cost, and when it will be completed. The price quoted for the service will not alter once it has been given. However costing and prices may vary depending upon location, distance and many other factors.
This document may be obtained in metro areas in around 4-6 weeks, and in outlying areas in 6-8 weeks.

How It Works

Send Doc
Pay Online
Work Start

How It Works


We are here to make the process straightforward for you. To get a new birth certificate, all you need to do is place an order with us along with the required documents and birth information that is required. As a result, the provider of the service will check your documents and then get in touch with you with an estimate. Just pay what it costs, and you’re done! Your certificate will be delivered to your home within the next few days.

Yes, it is possible, for that you need to place an order with required documents along with other required information that should be on your new birth certificate. we can help you to get your name added without visiting to municipal office in very little time.

You will be given the opportunity to provide the complete name of your mother whenever one of our representatives gets in touch with you to inquire about the particulars of your birth. A corroborating proof is always required whenever identification is performed. Because your new birth certificate will be created using the information that you provide on this form, it is very important that you provide information that is accurate.

In most cases, you will need to provide the requested paperwork. However, the feasibility of service can be confirmed after receiving the available documentation and information in the event of a document shortage or absence.
Yes, it is possible , all you need to do is to provide the necessary information, scanned copies original documents and service fee. Rest of things will be taken care by the professional working in specific locations.
If you have any concerns about the legitimacy of a certificate, you can put those concerns to rest by visiting the website of the municipal corporation online. There, the authenticity of your certificates and other documents can have their legitimacy checked with a reasonable amount of ease.
still If you are having the same issue, you can get in touch with us through our help desk if you require assistance with the same topic.