Documents Verifications
The birth certificate, which confirms the details of one's birth, is the most crucial identity document. A birth certificate is necessary to receive a number of benefits that the Indian government provides to its citizens.
Easy Process and Documentation
Required Documents
- Identity Proof of Parents
- Identity Proof of Beneficiary
- 1 passport size photo.
- Permanent Address Proof of Beneficiary & Parents
- Date of Birth Proof of Beneficiary
- Place of Birth Proof/Hospital birth proof
- Affidavit
- One Passport size photos of Child and Parents
- The first-class magistrate approval certificate
- NAC from Municipal Corporation
- Combined Proof of Parent’s before the birth of Child
Cost and Timeframe
- When you send us your paperwork, our experienced staff will review your paperwork with local government officials to determine the service’s cost, feasibility, and completion date. After a quote has been given, it remains fixed. Location affects project duration and cost. Send us your documents and specific requirements to get a price and turnaround estimate.
- On an average Procurement takes Six to Eight weeks.
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100000+ delighted clients
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India's Most Trusted Legal Documentation Portal
Verification of Marksheets: Instructions on How to Apply
The Right to Information Act has several advantages for students. Along with getting assessment copies of their answers, students can use LEGAL DOCS ADVISOR to verify their marksheets. To speed up delivery, you can use Nriway’s marksheet verification services. The numerous fake universities that exist in India defraud a sizable number of students each year. Students worry about the validity of their qualifications as a result of this issue. It is annoying for students as well as for employers who might need to verify their degrees.
Children’s issues are being addressed by several private organisations. On the other hand, students are not aware that they can apply for marksheet verification and get it. Under the 2005 Right to Information Act, it is allowed to ask the institution for a certificate verification. These resources, which come under the heading of “information,” are available from colleges. As part of their HR background check routine, companies and students alike may utilise this approach to confirm degrees.
You can get the following information by filing this-
Mark sheet verified from the University (Govt. University)
Queries about suspected fake mark sheets
How Do I Make My Marksheet Available for Verification?
The importance of marksheet verification is not understood by students. Many people who are unsure about phoney colleges or are finishing their degrees through distance learning might benefit from it. In this post, we’ll discuss how to get university grade reports that have been verified. By the end, you’ll be equipped to present a case and request information from the proper government agencies.
Who is permitted to submit a request for copies of the attested grade sheet?
Any Indian citizen may submit a request for information through RTI. Students, distance learners, and future employers should take note of this.
In this case, the public representatives of the concerned university are required to provide the applicant with verified copies of the marksheet they have requested. You can also request to have a student’s degree confirmed. You can ask if it was issued by the relevant university by enclosing the degree from that institution. To confirm a student’s degree, it is also possible to seek a different official certificate.
Universities are required to give candidates access to this data. The public authorities will encompass all colleges and institutions. Public information officers (PIOs) or assistant public information officers (APIOs) must be designated by each of these organisations (APIO). The Institution’s website need to list their names.
Students can submit their applications to any public authority’s PIO if their identities and addresses are unknown (whether it is relevant or not). Within five days, this responsibility must be transmitted to the proper authorities. You can make an application to the PIO of the pertinent university if the name of your institution’s or the PIO college’s is not readily available. Within five days of receiving the application, this authority must transfer it to the proper department and notify the applicant of the change.
How exactly should one go about composing a request for marksheet verification?
Making an application for degree and marksheet verification is simple. You must address it to the proper address and make the necessary inquiries. For this use, plain paper is OK. The application may be written in Hindi, English, or the official language of the state. Writing in formal, precise language is typically advised. It is essential to provide the data you want included in the application. Additionally, the PIO’s name must be provided. APIO’s
How can I make payment for the verification of my marksheet?
After you have addressed your application to the relevant PIO/APIO and written your questions in the proper manner, you must pay for your application. Send your application and money to the PIO/designated APIO’s address. The public authority must respond satisfactorily within 30 days of receiving your request. You must also include a few papers and provide some information about your identification.
Copy of Marksheet (OR)
Copy of Degree